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Working Characteristics of Circular Tumbler Screen

Circular tumbler screen adopts the principle of imitating artificial sieving, and is used to accurately separate 1-6 grade powder particles. It is usually used for sieving, grading and dust removal of dry, powdery and granular products, especially for fine, brittle, light, etc. Sifted product.

Features of circular tumbler screen 

Working Characteristics of Circular Tumbler Screen

1. Sieve to 20 microns

It imitates manual sieving and uses three-dimensional elliptical motion to separate very fine particles from larger particles. The screen size is as fine as 20 microns, suitable for applications with feed particle sizes from 1 micron to 20 mm, and the efficiency is as high as 99%.

2. The output is 3-5 times that of ordinary vibrating screens

The equipment is capable of screening a throughput of 10kg/hour to 50tons/hour, depending on the product, mesh size and feed flow machine, and the output is 3-5 times that of ordinary vibrating screens.

3. 1-6 stage separation

There are 1-5 layers of sieve layers to choose from, to achieve 6 levels of separation for your products or materials.

4. Not easy to block the screen

Different cutting devices can be used flexibly, such as bouncing balls, drum brushes, ultrasonic screening, etc., to avoid material blockage.

5. The noise level is about 75 decibels

The moving parts oscillate side to side, rather than up and down like a vibrating screen, resulting in lower noise levels and less damage to materials.

Application of circular tumbler screen

The circular tumbler screen is very suitable for the separation and dedusting of dry, powdery and granular products, especially for the multi-layer separation of high-yield and fine, light and difficult-to-screen products, widely used in food, medicine, chemical industry and high-performance materials ( plastics) and minerals for feed rates from 10 kg/h to 40 t/h.

The motion of circular tumbler screen is similar to simple manual sieving. Combining sieving (circular motion) and hand sieving (parabolic motion), it can be used for separation and dust removal of powdery and granular products, and the screening accuracy can reach more than 95%. The processing capacity is 3-5 times that of ordinary screening machines, especially suitable for fine, light and difficult-to-screen products with high feed rate (10kg/h-40t/h) and multi-layer separation (1-6 grades).

Saturday December-10 2022  09:42:05
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