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Circular Tumbler Screen Price List

Circular tumbler screen is used for fine, fragile and light products that are difficult to sieve. It is a fine screening equipment with high precision and high output. The price of circular tumbler screen has always been a topic of concern to everyone, so today I will introduce circular tumbler screen to you. tumbler screen prices.

Circular Tumbler Screen Price List

Circular tumbler screen price: $645-3300 / set

The following are the prices of different models of circular tumbler screen. The larger the model, the greater the processing capacity and the higher the price (the editor here reminds everyone that you need to be cautious in selecting models, and choose the appropriate model according to your own processing capacity. Small, the output cannot meet the requirements, too large will lead to an increase in cost)

Model Price (USD) Capacity
YBS800 646 6~10 0.75
YBS1000 990 8~15 1.5
YBS1200 1580 15~30 2.2
YBS1600 1860 25~40 3
YBS2000 2300 30~50 4
YBS2400 2730 40~60 5.5
YBS2600 3300 55~80 5.5

The price of circular tumbler screen also fluctuates due to different materials (carbon steel, stainless steel), different layers (1-5 layers), and different designs:

1. Different materials

Circular tumbler screen can be made of carbon steel or stainless steel according to the screening material and industry. Stainless steel tumbler screen is specially used in food, medicine, chemical and other occasions with high cleanliness or corrosive materials. The raw materials will be more expensive, so the price will be higher than that of carbon steel. The tumbler screen is more expensive, but if the screening material is a conventional material and there is no special industry requirement, the carbon steel tumbler screen will be a good choice.

2. Different layers

The circular tumbler screen has a total of 5 sieve plates that can help achieve up to 6 sizes of grading. The more material separation grades, the more layers are selected, and the more labor and consumables are. Therefore, the price will increase with the number of layers. Increase, it is recommended not to choose too many layers, otherwise it will affect the screening efficiency.

3. Different designs

Ultrasonic tumbler screen is based on ordinary circular tumbler screen, adding ultrasonic device and modifying the screen frame, which can accelerate the penetration speed and permeability of powder. The screen is designed with a sticky mesh structure, which can make the transmission of vibration waves more efficient. Even, the screen is stronger, especially suitable for the screening of strong adsorption, high viscosity, high static electricity, high density, and ultrafine powder.

The above is the introduction and analysis of the price of circular tumbler screen.

Saturday December-10 2022  09:46:47
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