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What is sifting in pharmaceutical?

Pharmaceutical screening refers to the process of screening out safe and reliable compounds with therapeutic effects through a series of experiments and detection methods in the process of discovering new drugs, and determining information on their efficacy, side effects, and production processes. .What is sifting in pharmaceutical?

The focus of pharmaceutical screening is to determine the efficacy and side effects of compounds through a series of experiments and detection methods, including preclinical studies, animal tests, toxicology studies, etc., so as to screen out safe and reliable compounds with therapeutic effects. Pharmaceutical screening is also a key link in drug development and the only way to develop new drugs.

The pharmaceutical screening process is generally divided into the following steps:

1. Target screening: According to the pathogenesis of the disease and the need for treatment, identify possible molecular targets and screen out compounds with therapeutic potential.

2. Compound screening: Through compound design and synthesis, a series of compounds with potential medicinal effects are prepared, and biological detection methods, enzyme activity, cell proliferation, and protein interactions are used to screen out compounds with excellent chemical structure, good efficacy, and toxicity. small compounds.

3. In vitro experiments: evaluate the efficacy and side effects of drugs, including detection of efficacy, pharmacokinetics, drug stability, toxicology prediction, and pharmacokinetics.

4. Animal test: Through the drug efficacy evaluation and toxicity study of experimental animals, determine the preclinical safety of the compound, as well as information on the best route of administration and dosage.

5. Preclinical research: Conduct in-depth research on the drug components, drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, drug toxicity, etc. of the compound to provide the necessary basis for the development of clinical research.

In the pharmaceutical screening process, a large number of experiments and tests are required, and the time and cost required for these experiments and tests are very high. Therefore, strengthening international cooperation and information sharing in the field of drug research and development, as well as improving the innovation of technology and methods are the keys to establishing an efficient, low-cost, and rapid drug research and development system. At the same time, strengthening the scientificity, rigor and standardization of preclinical research can effectively reduce the development cycle of new drugs, shorten the time to market of new drugs, and improve the safety and effectiveness of drugs.

Friday May-05 2023  11:13:43
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