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Application advantages of Quartz sand screw conveyor

Quartz sand screw conveyor is named according to the actual use, it can transport Quartz sand, ash and other granular or powdery materials. Usually designed in the form of round tubes for material transfer. The following will introduce the application advantages of Quartz sand screw conveyor from three perspectives:

Application advantages of Quartz sand screw conveyor

1. Large conveying capacity

Due to the circular pipe design, the Quartz sand screw conveyor can meet three angles of transportation, such as horizontal, inclined and vertical. Large conveying capacity (up to 148m³/h), long conveying distance (<70m), high conveying efficiency and strong adaptability, which can better meet the conveying output demand of Quartz sand.

2. The material of the equipment is good

Our common Quartz sand screw conveyor is made of carbon steel and stainless steel. Relatively speaking, the hardness of carbon steel can meet the transportation needs of Quartz sand, and the strength is not low. At the same time, Quartz sand screw conveyor is usually a large-scale equipment. , due to cost considerations, carbon steel is the first choice for many industries. However, when the amount of quartz sand to be processed is small, you can consider choosing stainless steel, which has higher corrosion resistance and wear resistance, reduces failure rates and reduces maintenance costs.

3. No pollution in the whole process

Because Quartz sand is made of sand and gravel, it is easy to generate dust. The process of conveying materials is pollution-free, not only protecting the environment, but also protecting the operators. Therefore, the Quartz sand screw conveyor is a completely sealed tubular design. Such an advanced design principle ensures the reliability of the whole machine and can effectively control the efficiency of Quartz sand in the conveying process.

Based on the above three advantages, I hope you can have a new understanding of Quartz sand screw conveyor, and refer to it when choosing conveyor equipment in the future!

Wednesday March-08 2023  11:26:28
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