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What material is Quartz sand screw conveyor blade?

In conventional screw conveyors, carbon steel is the most common blade material, which is used to handle various bulk materials without special properties or special requirements (materials must be in normal working conditions, kept dry, non-corrosive, non-abrasive sex, etc.). Or to deal with special food, medicine and some corrosive chemical bulk materials, use 304 or 316L stainless steel blades to ensure safe and pollution-free equipment requirements.

What material is Quartz sand screw conveyor blade?

But when the screw conveyor is used to convey abrasive aggregates or other materials such as quartz sand, it usually requires a special treatment for the blades of the screw conveyor - cold rolling.

The advantages of cold-rolled blades are as follows:

1. The surface of the blade of Quartz sand screw conveyor is cold-hardened after cold rolling, and the hardness and wear resistance are about doubled. The hardness of the outer edge can reach HB30-40, which is more wear-resistant and has a longer service life.

2. The blades of Quartz sand screw conveyor are treated with online physical and chemical surface treatment, which can improve the anti-rust ability and make the blades more smooth and beautiful.

3. Compared with conventionally produced blades, the processing technology and working performance of cold-rolled blades are better, and the cold-rolled blades are easy to assemble and use, which can improve the production and processing efficiency of manufacturers and meet the requirements of customers for related applications.

Wednesday March-08 2023  10:16:32
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