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What is the maximum inclination angle of the High-Temperature Screw Conveyor?

High-temperature screw conveyor is a kind of equipment used to convey high-temperature materials, usually composed of a screw conveyor. Its design takes into account the special requirements in high-temperature environments, including the selection of high-temperature resistant materials, strengthening the heat dissipation and thermal insulation performance of the equipment, etc.

What is the maximum inclination angle of the High-Temperature Screw Conveyor?

During the design and operation of the high-temperature screw conveyor, its maximum inclination angle is an important parameter, which directly affects the performance and operation effect of the equipment. Generally speaking, the inclination angle of the high-temperature screw conveyor is best not to exceed 20°, for the sake of conveying efficiency and conveying safety.

Why choose an inclination angle below 20°?

Although the High-Temperature Screw Conveyor has some similarities with conventional screw conveyors, due to the particularity of the use, there are many precautions and differences in the use of the High-Temperature Screw Conveyor.

For the safety and effectiveness of transportation, High-Temperature Screw Conveyor will use thicker steel and hollow jacket design, these designs mean that under the same transportation conditions, High-Temperature Screw Conveyor will have a larger Therefore, the large inclination angle is not suitable for the work of High-Temperature Screw Conveyor. Compared with the conventional screw, there will be greater safety hazards.

At the same time, the High-Temperature Screw Conveyor is usually designed with a detachable tank cover design (U-shaped) due to the particularity of the conveying products. Although the sealing is good, there is still a certain risk of leakage, and it is not suitable for use at large inclination angles.

The U-shaped design also means that the transmission efficiency will change more significantly with the inclination angle. Under the same inclination angle, the U-shaped efficiency loss is higher than that of the circular tube type.

Therefore, the maximum inclination angle of the High-Temperature Screw Conveyor is best not to exceed 20°.

Thursday June-20 2024  10:09:39
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