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Vibro Sifter for Wheat Flour

Vibro sifter for wheat flour uses a vertical vibrating motor with an eccentric weight in its operation. The motor that originally had to perform a single rotation motion will change to a three-dimensional motion when the phase angle of the eccentric weight changes and transmit it to After the sieve surface, the wheat flour on the sieve surface will also move, and then the wheat flour and impurities will be separated and discharged through the sieve from their respective outlets.

Vibro Sifter for Wheat Flour

Wheat flour mainly includes the following links in the whole production process:

1. Removal of impurities: It is very necessary to remove impurities from corn for safe production. Corn raw materials contain various impurities, including dust mustard, organic impurities, and inorganic impurities. Generally design 3 screen surfaces, the first layer of screen surface adopts a circular hole screen with a diameter of 17-20mm to remove larger impurities; the second layer of screen surface adopts a screen with a diameter of 12-15mm circular hole, Used to remove medium-sized impurities, the third layer of sieve surface adopts a screen with a diameter of 2mm round holes to remove small impurities.

2. Soaking wheat: After the impurities are removed, the wheat should be soaked. Generally, the metal cans are connected with pipes, and then the water pump is soaked in water to circulate in each metal can to achieve the function of flowing soaking wheat at one time.

3. Coarse crushing: The coarse crushing here refers to breaking a soaked wheat grain into more than 10 pieces, so as to facilitate the separation of the wheat germ.

4. Germ separation: After the pretreatment in the previous step, the germ separation of wheat is much more convenient, and the germ separation tank is generally used for separation.

5. Grinding: After the germ of corn is separated, the materials include wheat shreds and part of wheat flour. The starch is fully extracted and solidly ground to destroy the corn cells and free the wheat flour particles contained in it.

6. Sieving the wheat flour: After the above 5 steps, the corn kernels have turned into corn paste. At this time, the vibro sifter should be used to separate the wheat flour from the coarse and fine residue.

Vibro sifter for wheat flour is a stainless steel vibro sifter specially designed for the screening of wheat flour. The processing capacity is between 100-3300kg/h and the corresponding models can be selected. In order to meet the on-site process requirements of different wheat flour manufacturers, vibro sifter for wheat flour can be customized according to user requirements.

Application of vibro sifter for wheat flour

Vibro sifter for wheat flour is mainly used to remove bran, worm eggs, agglomerates, etc. contained in the flour, and then it is finally packaged. When making fluffy refined pastries, it can also loosen the sifted flour to ensure that the wheat flour is fluffy enough and will not agglomerate. Commonly used are 12 mesh, 20 mesh, 24 mesh, 30 mesh, 40 mesh , 60 mesh.

Customer case

Materials Way of working Screen
milk powder dry 16.2 2000 DH-1200-1S
starch dry 80 1200 DH-2000-2S
wheat flour wet 200 3200 DH-2000-1S
flour dry 24 1500 DH-1000-1S


Thursday April-25 2024  11:50:52
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