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Vibratory Sifter for Iron Powders

An aggregate of iron particles with a size of less than 1 mm. Colour: Black. It is the main raw material of powder metallurgy. According to the particle size, it is customarily divided into five grades: coarse powder, medium powder, fine powder, fine powder and superfine powder. Iron powder composed of particles with a particle size ranging from 150 to 500 μm is coarse powder, with a particle size of 44 to 150 μm for medium powder, 10 to 44 μm for fine powder, 0.5 to 10 μm for extremely fine powder, and less than 0.5 μm for ultrafine powder pink. Generally, the powder that can pass through the 325 mesh standard sieve, that is, the particle size is less than 44μm, is called sub-sieve powder. For higher-precision sieving, you can only use airflow classification equipment, but for some easily oxidized iron powder, you can only use JZDF. Nitrogen protection classifier to do it. Iron powder mainly includes reduced iron powder, atomized iron powder, and cast pig iron powder; they are named after different production methods.

Vibratory Sifter for Iron Powders

Processing materials: iron powder (reduced iron powder, carbonyl iron powder, pure iron powder, sponge iron, high-carbon iron chromium powder, iron oxide powder)

Output: 100KG~200T/hour

Screening mesh number: 40~400 mesh

An important metal powder in the powder metallurgy industry. Iron powder is used in large amounts in powder metallurgy production, and its consumption accounts for about 85% of the total consumption of metal powder. The main market for iron powder is the manufacture of mechanical parts, and the amount of iron powder required accounts for about 80% of the total output of iron powder.

Generally, the vibratory sifter can be used for coarse screening, but for high-precision classification, an ultrasonic vibrating screen is required. For the classification of iron powders that are easy to oxidize and explode, only nitrogen protection classifier + air-tight ultrasonic vibrating screen can be used for high-precision Grading.

Compared with traditional screening solutions, vibratory sifter for iron powders can continuously screen high-quality electrolytic iron powder with twice the throughput while minimizing product waste.

Dahan Machinery is a manufacturer of screening and filtration technology. It has more than 12 years of experience in providing services to many processing industries such as metal powder, food, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, paints and coatings. To discuss your specific requirements with experienced sales engineers, please contact Dahan Machinery immediately.

Friday August-02 2024  14:25:12
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