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What is the sieving machine used for?

sieving machine is a device used to separate particles of different sizes. In industrial production, many granular materials need to be separated, such as powders, granules, liquids, etc., and these materials need to be classified according to size and shape. The screening machine can meet this demand. It can screen the materials according to the particle size and screen out the materials that meet the requirements, making the production process more efficient and accurate.

The screening machine is mainly composed of screen, vibrator, transmission mechanism, shell and other parts. The vibrator will generate high-frequency vibration, put the screened material on the screen, and the screen will be vibrated, causing the material to vibrate violently on the screen and separate according to size. Different separation granularity and precision can be achieved through different screens, so as to achieve the expected screening effect.

Screening machines are widely used in industries such as chemical, food, pharmaceutical, mining, etc. For example, in the chemical industry, screening machines can be used for screening chemical raw materials to improve product quality and production efficiency; in the food industry, screening machines can It is used for screening of food particles and powder materials to improve product quality and quality safety; in the pharmaceutical industry, the screening machine can be used for screening of preparations to ensure the quality and safety of drugs. In industries such as mines, screening machines can be used for logistics classification to screen out the required ore and mineral particles to improve production efficiency.

Screening machines have the following application scenarios:

1. Food industry: Sieving machines can sieve food raw materials to remove impurities, such as flour sieving, sugar powder sieving, etc.

2. Chemical industry: Chemical raw materials need to be screened during batching to ensure accurate proportions of various materials.

3. Pharmaceutical industry: sieve medicinal materials to screen out parts with better quality, or sieve different particle sizes for different quality medicinal materials.

4. Carbon black industry: Multiple screenings are required in the production of carbon black to make the particle size distribution reasonable and make it more in line with the requirements in subsequent processing.

5. Mining industry: In the mining industry, screening machines are mainly used for classification and grading of raw materials such as stone, coal, and minerals.

6. Textile industry: In the textile industry, screening machines can screen fibers to remove impurities.

7. Fine chemical industry: For the improvement of the quality of finished products, the relationship between fine manufacturing and screening is very close.

Because the screening machine can quickly and accurately classify, classify, separate and other operations on materials, it is widely used in various industries and has a very broad application prospect.

Wednesday March-20 2024  10:50:07
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