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What is the difference between the working principle of the electromagnetic vibrator and the warehouse wall vibrator

The principle of the electromagnetic vibrator is half-wave rectification. The electromagnetic coil is powered by alternating current through diode rectification. When the line is connected, the positive half-cycle pulsating DC voltage is applied to the electromagnetic coil. Due to the action of the electromagnet, a pulsed electromagnetic force is generated between the vibrating body and the machine base, and the vibrating body is attracted. At this time, the elastic system stores potential energy. The semi-two-stage tube is not conducting, and the electromagnetic force disappears. With the help of the potential energy stored in the elastic system, the vibrating body vibrates in the opposite direction. Repeatedly like this, the vibrating body vibrates back and forth at the frequency of alternating current.

What is the difference between the working principle of the electromagnetic vibrator and the warehouse wall vibrator

The periodic high-frequency vibration of the vibrating body is transmitted to the silo wall through the "impact block". Periodic vibration of the warehouse wall. On the one hand, the material is out of contact with the warehouse wall, and on the other hand, the material is affected by the alternating speed and acceleration. It is in an unstable state, thus effectively overcoming the internal friction and aggregation of materials. Make the material discharge smoothly from the silo mouth.

The main components of the ordinary warehouse wall vibration motor are two parts: the vibration motor and the base. The vibration motor and the base are tightly fixed as a whole, but because the base is firmly installed on the wall of the silo, a single-mass directional forced vibration system is formed.

When the silo wall vibrator is working, the vibrating motor rotates at a high speed, which produces periodic high-frequency vibrations on the silo wall. Due to the periodic vibration of the anti-blocking device, on the one hand, the material is out of contact with the silo wall, and the material and the silo wall are eliminated. The friction of the silo wall, on the other hand, makes the material in an unstable state under the influence of alternating speed and acceleration, so as to effectively overcome the internal friction and aggregation force of the material, so as to eliminate the relative stability between the materials in the silo, so that The material is smoothly discharged from the silo port.

Thursday June-06 2024  14:24:19

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