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What is Mini Vibrating Sieve

Due to the individual screening requirements of various industries, there are different types of vibrating sieve models. When users purchase a vibrating sieve, the size of the model is also one of the factors to consider. Whether it is a large vibrating sieve or a mini vibrating sieve, the role they play They are all unique, so today I will introduce to you what mini vibrating sieve is and what it does!

What is Mini Vibrating Sieve

1. What is mini vibrating sieve

Compared with the large-scale vibrating sieve, the mini vibrating sieve is relatively small in size, volume, screen frame mesh size, motor power, etc., which is often referred to as the small model. Such as mini linear sieve, mini rotary vibrating sieve, mini filter sieve, mini circular vibrating sieve, etc. The diameter of the screen frame of the mini vibrating sieve varies from 400mm to 600mm, which can screen dry materials, as well as high humidity. For small materials, it is suitable for mini workshop production or for family use, screening materials with small output.

2. The role of mini vibrating sieve

The role of minivibrating sieve is equivalent to its advantages. Mini vibrating sieve is more convenient to use. First of all, it is not limited by the venue. Like a large vibrating sieve, it needs a certain scope of venue. Besides, mini vibrating sieve is easy to carry and move. Installation, disassembly and cleaning are convenient and trouble-free; in addition, the voltage it uses is relatively small, and the investment and price of minivibrating sieves are also less than those of large vibrating sieves.

Of course, it also has certain limitations, which are mainly reflected in its screening output. Due to its small size, the screening volume per unit time is also small. The large vibrating sieve can screen 5-8m³ materials per hour, while the mini vibrating sieve only It can screen 1-3m³ materials and can be used in industry, food, medicine, chemical industry, etc. Therefore, users should choose according to the actual screening needs when purchasing.

Each product has its own advantages and disadvantages. Users can try their best to make the product they choose play a better advantage when choosing. If you have any intention to buy Dahan products, you can contact us at any time.

Tuesday February-15 2022  11:54:14
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