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Vibro Sifter Machine Price

Vibro Sifter Machine Price: $800.00-$4,500.00/Set

1.Different Materials

Vibro sifter has stainless steel, carbon steel and plastic, etc. Customers can purchase the corresponding material of the rotary vibrating screen according to their own needs, but the cost of different materials is also different, and there will be different prices. The difference between the carbon steel vibro sifter and the stainless steel vibro sifter is between US$100 and US$1,000.

For the characteristics and applications of vibro sifter of different materials, please read The materials of vibro sifter.

2.Different Layers

There are 1-5 layers, you can choose the number of layers to buy according to the amount of materials to be processed. The amount of materials used for different layers is different, and the price is different. Generally, three layers are recommended, and it is not appropriate to set too many. For each additional layer, the price of vibro sifter machine will increase between 100-500 US dollars.

Because vibro sifter has different materials and levels, and we can also customize different models according to user requirements, the above vibro sifter machine price can be used as a reference.

Tuesday April-23 2024  15:50:19
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