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Vibratory Sifter for Turmeric Powder

Turmeric is ground and ground into powder form, and the most important process is carried out-the sieving and sifting process. Vibratory sifter provides accurate classification and separation, removes impurities in turmeric powder, and even needs to be sieved in order to obtain turmeric powder of different market grades. If 98% passes through a 500 um mesh sieve, it is designated as coarse powder, and if 98% passes through a 300 um mesh sieve, it is designated as fine powder.

Vibratory Sifter for Turmeric Powder

Vibratory sifter for turmeric powder is manually fed in batches of turmeric powder. In this case, the vibrating screen technology can sieve through a 315-micron sieve to separate out turmeric powder that is too small and lumps that are too large. However, when sieving through fine mesh or using difficult sieving such as these, the screen may become clogged, causing production downtime to clean the screen and loss of quality products.

For the application of vibratory sifter in turmeric powder, vibratory sifter has upgraded the ultrasonic deblinding system, which is an effective grid blocking solution. The system uses small discs or balls to remove blockages and remove powder clusters that may block the mesh, thereby keeping the screening surface clean.

The vibratory sifter has 7 different sizes to choose from, which can ensure that up to 6 accurate product fractions are classified on 5 sieve plates. In order to screen fine powder, it can provide sieve sizes as small as 10 microns.

For more information about vibratory sifter for turmeric powder, please contact us.

Tuesday April-02 2024  09:48:24
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