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Types of centrifugal siftering Machines

The centrifugal sifter is a kind of sieving machine that is powered by wind and sieves small and light fine powder materials. The centrifugal sifters we commonly see can be divided into vertical centrifugal sifters and horizontal centrifugal sifters. Today Just to find out:

Types of centrifugal siftering Machines

Vertical centrifugal siftering Machine

Machine design: the screen barrel of the vertical centrifugal sifter is vertical design, the screen is installed vertically, no load, and long service life;

Material passing through the net: screened out from the center to both sides;

Screening capacity: The screening mesh number is 80-600 mesh (0.023mm), and the power is 3-15kw. The airflow of the vertical centrifugal sifter is stronger than that of the horizontal centrifugal sifter, which is more suitable for the screening of industrialized materials with large output. In addition, the vertical centrifugal sifter requires that the amount of fine powder in the sieved raw materials reach 90% or more, in order to achieve a good screening effect, so the fineness of the sieved raw materials is required to be high.

Vertical centrifugal siftering machine model and output:

Vertical centrifugal sifter
model LQS-600 LQS-1000 LQS-1600
gas flow 240-1100 300-2500 460-4900
Screen specifications Replace the 80-600 MESH arbitrarily
File particle size 40 MESH to fine
Screen power kw 3 5.5 15
main shaft speed 450-1450
The outer diameter of the screening machine is mm Φ600 Φ1000 Φ1600
full lift mm 1150 1730 2300
output t/h 0.5-2 3-5 >6

Supporting facilities: Vertical centrifugal sifters generally need to be equipped with cyclone collectors, bag collectors, pulse dust collectors and other devices, so its purchase cost will be higher.

Horizontal centrifugal siftering machine


Machine design: The screen barrel of the horizontal centrifugal siftering machine is horizontally designed, with a simple structure and convenient installation;

Material passing through the screen: punched out from the middle to the upper and lower screens;

Screening capacity: The screening mesh number is 60-500 mesh (0.028mm), and the power is 2.2-5.5kw. The airflow and power of the horizontal centrifugal siftering machine are relatively small, and the screening output will be slightly inferior. It is suitable for vertical centrifugal siftering machine, but horizontal centrifugal siftering machine is suitable for screening coarse powder materials with small output.

Horizontal centrifugal siftering machine model and output


Horizontal centrifugal sifter
model WQS-1865 WQS-30100 WQS-50130
power 2.2 4 5.5
screen mesh Change at any rate for the 60-500 MESH
The machine is long 1430 1845 2230
The machine wide 1005 1240 1775
output t/h 0.4-1.8 2-4 >5

Supporting device: The structure of the horizontal centrifugal sifter is relatively simple, only one screen machine can complete the screening and material collection work, or multiple machines can be used together, and the price is relatively low

In terms of material, it can be divided into two categories: stainless steel centrifugal siftering machine and carbon steel centrifugal siftering machine.

The stainless steel centrifugal sifter machine is suitable for sieving video and pharmaceutical powder materials with high hygiene requirements, such as milk powder, soybean powder, flour, traditional Chinese medicine powder, raw materials, etc.;

Carbon steel centrifugal sifter is suitable for screening common materials, such as coal powder, quartz powder, wood powder, mica powder, etc.

Thursday June-06 2024  15:55:02

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