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Sidewall belt conveyor - solve the problem of conveying spilled slippery materials

Is it too difficult to feed?

Easy to slip off?

Small delivery volume?

The belt surface of the traditional belt conveyor is too smooth, and the material lifting at a slight inclination angle becomes a big problem. Even flat conveying is difficult to avoid spreading the material. Are you still troubled by these problems?

The sidewall belt conveyor helps you solve the problem——

The conveyor belt of the sidewall belt conveyor adopts the design of corrugated skirt and diaphragm, which provides a supporting point for the lifting material and a relatively fixed conveying space.

Operating principle:

The sidewall belt conveyor installs corrugated skirts and baffles on the flat conveyor belt to evenly pide the belt into relatively independent grid spaces. The conveyed materials are relatively static in the grid and are transported or lifted by the conveyor belt at a constant speed.

Application show:

Product advantages:

Oblique conveying without slippage: the design of the diaphragm and skirt, the material does not slip during the conveying process.

Suitable for assembly lines and high degree of automation: It can be combined with other conveying equipment to form a horizontal or inclined conveying system to meet the needs of different layout types of operation lines.

Various materials support customization: The sidewall belts are made of rubber, canvas, PVC, PU and other materials. In addition to being used for the transportation of ordinary materials, they can also meet the transportation of materials with special requirements such as oil resistance, corrosion resistance, anti-static, and high hygiene standards. .

Model parameter table:

Belt width
Conveying length(m)
Conveying speed
Conveying amount
B400 ≤10 12-15 15-30 1.25-2.0 30-60
3 3-4 4-7.5
B500 ≤10 12-15 15-30 1.25-2.0 40-80
3 4-5.5 5.5-7.5
B650 ≤10 12-15 15-30 1.25-2.0 80-120
4 7.5 7.5-11
B800 ≤10 12-15 15-30 1.25-2.0 120-200
4 7.5 7.5-15
B1000 ≤10 10-20 20-40 1.25-2.0 200-320
5.5 7.5-11 11-22
B1200 ≤10 10-20 20-40 1.25-2.0 290-480
7.5 7.5-15 15-30
B1400 ≤10 10-20 <20-40 1.25-2.0 400-680
11 >15-22 22-45
B1600 ≤10 10-20 <20-50 1.25-2.0 600-1080
15 22-30 30-75
B1800 ≤10 10-20 <20-50 1.0-2.0 200-1500
18.5 30-45 45-110
B2000 ≤10 10-20 <20-40 1.0-2.0 1000-2000
22 45-55 55-132
B2400 ≤10 10-20 <20-40 1.0-2.0 1500-3000
30 55-75 75-185


Saturday August-06 2022  12:10:31
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