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Round Tumbler Scre cleaning method

It is well known that the circular tumbler scre has a good screening effect and good screening capacity, but due to the complexity and precision of the screening materials, the circular tumbler scre also faces the problem of blocking the screen. How to solve it?

Round Tumbler Scre cleaning method

1. Bounce ball cleaning: most granular materials

The bouncing ball is installed between the punching plate and the net frame, and the power of the tumbler scre makes the bouncing ball continuously collide with the net frame to clear the net.

It can be used for cleaning rice, medicine, quartz sand, etc.

2. Ultrasonic cleaning: easy to agglomerate, hold together, strong adsorption ultrafine powder

The ultrasonic cleaning method can suspend the materials attached to the surface of the screen, thereby inhibiting the blocking factors such as adhesion, friction and leveling;

Suitable for cleaning flour, coffee powder, sawdust, alumina, etc.

3. Drum brush device: spherical, crystalline and brittle materials

The rotating drum brush cleans the oscillating screen by the rotation of the brush arranged under the screen

It can be used for cleaning chicken essence, salt, PVC (polyvinyl chloride) plastic, etc.


Reasons for the clogging of the circular tumbler scre:

Since the circular Tumbler Scre is screened through several layers of screens with different mesh, it is easy to be blocked by materials similar to the screen aperture;

If the material is spherical, it will be easier to get stuck, and the high water content, stickiness, and static electricity will also stick to the screen holes, causing the screen to be blocked;

In addition, fibrous materials, flaky materials, thick screen wire diameter, and the mismatch between the mesh shape of the sieve plate design and the shape of the material cause blockages that require us to clear the screen in time.

Friday April-08 2022  15:52:27

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