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How to choose tumbler scre accessories?

If you want to have a really easy-to-use screening machine, it is also very important to choose the right accessories. After all, "a good horse with a good saddle" can make the most of it. Let's learn how to choose the right accessories!

How to choose tumbler scre accessories?

1. Screen

The screen of the tumbler scre is the key part of the tumbler scre to complete the screening work. The screen of the circular tumbler scre can be as fine as 500 mesh, and the screen of the square tumbler scre can be as fine as 300 mesh. The shape of the material (powder or granules), the degree of dryness and wetness, the fineness to be sieved and other factors select the screen (salt: 20 mesh ~ 40 mesh; flour: 80 mesh ~ 140 mesh; large and small urea: 9 mesh ~ 20 mesh item).

2. Net cleaning device

Before choosing a net cleaning device, it is necessary to clarify the humidity, viscosity, shape and brittleness of the material to be screened;

The following applies:

Bouncing ball cleaning: most granular materials; ultrasonic cleaning: easy to agglomerate, agglomerate, strong adsorption ultra-fine powder; drum brush device: spherical, crystalline and brittle materials.

3. Rubber ring material

The material of the apron can be divided into rubber and silicone, because the apron will inevitably wear during the screening process. Therefore, for industries with high hygiene requirements (food and medicine), it is recommended to choose the silicone material; no For industries with special hygienic requirements, rubber apron can be selected.

4. Vibration motor

The power of the motor will greatly affect the working efficiency and screening output of the screen machine. If the household tumbler scre has no special requirements on the output, it is enough to choose a low-power vibration motor; if it is used for factory screening products, it is recommended to choose a large No. high-power rocking screen.

5. Dust cover

Whether to choose a dust cover depends on whether the material is easy to splash and whether it needs to increase the feeding amount.

In addition to the above accessories, accessories such as belts, oil injection pipes, and bases can also be selected according to your needs.

Friday April-08 2022  15:44:56

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