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Are sludge screw conveyors all shaftless designs? Why do some have shafts?

Recently, when the editor looked through the comments left by everyone, I saw a user who asked a question about whether the sludge screw conveyor has a central axis. First of all, I would like to thank this user for his love and serious viewing of the work, then today the editor will The central axis of the sludge screw conveyor will be explained in detail for you:

Most of the sludge screw conveyors (most but not all) are indeed shaftless design. They are widely used in sewage treatment plants, sand washing plants, paper mills and other scenarios, and the sludge conveyed is mostly viscous. , The mud cake with extremely high density after being processed by filter press and dehydrator has very little water content, and the state is shown in the following figure:

In the case of this kind of material, the advantages of the thicker screw blade of the shaftless screw conveyor, which are not easy to be twisted, and the larger space of the pipe groove without the interference of the central axis, are particularly obvious.

By observing the sludge screw conveyor used in the display video, we can find that the sludge it transports is closer to the muddy water state, with high water content and low solid content. For the screw conveyor, the solid blade area is larger, almost filling the entire pipe groove, and the inclination angle of the blade is also extremely small, almost in a parallel state.

These special designs are all to solve the problem that the mud and water are thin and difficult to feed and convey. Each spiral blade forms an almost airtight annular space as much as possible, filtering out most of the mud and water while conveying the solid mud to the outlet. material end. In this material state, if the shaftless design is still used for conveying, it will inevitably be "the bamboo basket is empty".

As a product, the sludge screw conveyor must serve the user's usage scenarios. The purpose of various products is to better solve the user's transportation problems. Therefore, in the face of different transportation scenarios and transportation situations, various adaptations must be made. sexual design.

The use of mechanical products varies widely, and even the same material name may have different states. In order to achieve the best use effect, it is necessary to make corresponding adjustments, which is why it is recommended that when purchasing non-standard mechanical products, you should directly ask the manufacturer according to your own production situation, which saves time and effort.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us, we will be happy to answer them for you!

Monday April-15 2024  11:36:22
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