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Analysis of Common Models and Features of Bucket Elevator

Bucket elevators are used in industry to vertically lift bulk material conveyors, the buckets are constantly filled with material to be transported, they are pushed and pulled with the help of electricity, depending on the width, capacity and height of the buckets, different Industries use different types of bucket elevators for conveying, let us see the common types of bucket elevators and their characteristics.

Analysis of Common Models and Features of Bucket Elevator

Centrifugal unloading bucket elevator

This is a common bucket elevator in most industries, it uses the principle of centrifugal force to discharge products, it has low investment cost, takes up little space, has a wider range of working capacity, and the durable bucket can be removed by simply shoveling out the material It moves to the specified position. For this reason, it can run at high speed, it can generate centrifugal force, which helps to throw the material towards the discharge chute, suitable for vertical lifting of fine and light materials such as grains, minerals, sugar and other chemical materials, etc.

Common models: TD series belt bucket elevator, HL series chain centrifugal bucket elevator

Continuous/Gravity Unloading Bucket Elevators

This type of bucket elevator buckets are tightly fixed together with no gaps between them. The system is designed to work at slower speeds and transport powdery or lumpy materials, it is used to handle fragile and fragile materials, the buckets are filled individually, the material is stored according to the principle of gravity, its The advantage is that it does not damage the materi7al, has a larger capacity bucket, and they rotate at a low speed.

Common models: TH series circular chain bucket elevator, NE series plate chain bucket elevator, z-type bucket elevator

Bucket elevators are common today for industries involved in material handling. You should choose the type of bucket elevator carefully according to the material type and usage.

Monday December-19 2022  16:53:30
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