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Advantages and disadvantages of rubber springs and precautions for use

Rubber spring is a basic and common shock-absorbing buffer component. It has a simple structure but has a wide range of uses. Rubber springs can be seen in screening machines, feeders, and vibration equipment.

Advantages of rubber springs:

Advantages and disadvantages of rubber springs and precautions for use

1. Simple structure, convenient production and processing, and low price;

2. There is no rigid structure to block, and the shape of the rubber spring is not limited;

3. High internal resistance, stronger impact resistance and spring reset ability;

4. Good water resistance, insulation and sound insulation effect;

5. The rubber material can be firmly bonded to the metal surface, so it can be used in multiple layers.

Disadvantages of rubber springs:

1. The natural frequency of the rubber spring can hardly be lower than 5Hz; (the natural frequency is related to the stiffness coefficient of the spring itself and the mass of the object it bears. Here, the natural frequency of the rubber spring is difficult to lower. Most of the reasons come from the stiffness coefficient of the rubber spring itself ,)

2. It is not resistant to high temperature and oil pollution, and is easy to corrode and weather.

The damping capacity of the rubber spring is not only related to the shape, but also related to the hardness of the rubber. The higher the hardness, the greater the stiffness, the stronger the bearing capacity, and the lower the hardness, the smaller the stiffness, the weaker the bearing capacity. The weight, vibration and usage of the vibration equipment should be considered comprehensively.

Thursday April-25 2024  14:11:06
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