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Plastic Powder Sieving Machine

Introduction of Plastic Powder Sieving Machine

Plastic Powder Sieving Machine

In plastic powder, coarse powder generally refers to 5-60 mesh powder, and medium powder refers to 60-160 mesh powder. The fine powder ranges from 160 mesh to 300 mesh, and the fine powder above 300 mesh belongs to superfine powder. However, according to the degree of crushing of different raw materials, the classification of coarse, medium, fine and ultrafine is different. For some compounds such as calcium carbonate, 300 mesh can only be regarded as a coarse powder. If the particle size of the plastic powder is not uniform, it will affect the quality of the product during production. Therefore, a plastic powder sieving machine is needed to screen out the larger impurities in the plastic powder to obtain a plastic powder with a uniform particle size.

Application of Plastic Powder Sieving Machine

Plastic powder sieving machine is used to remove agglomerates and large particles in plastic powder, and can also dust plastic powder to coarse powder, medium powder, fine powder and ultrafine powder.

1. Removal of impurities: high fluidity powder processing, fast removal of large particles or fine powder with low content.

2. Grading and screening: Continuously select mixed materials of different particle sizes and classify them into different particle size grades. Can be divided into one, two, three, four and so on. What's more, only one operation can continuously filter up to 5 stages of product separation.


Working Principle of Plastic Powder Sieving Machine

Plastic powder sieving machine uses a vertical vibrating motor as the excitation source. The eccentric weights at the upper and lower ends of the vibrating motor convert the rotational motion into a three-dimensional motion of horizontal, vertical, and inclined, and transmit it to the sieve surface. The plastic powder passes through the feeding According to different screening requirements, it passes through 1-5 layers of screens with different meshes. During this process, the bouncing balls under the screens of each layer continuously hit the s creens, making the materials The plastic powder can be sieved smoothly and effectively avoid the problem of material blocking. The material close to the sieve aperture passes through the sieve and is the undersize material. The material larger than the sieve aperture is discharged from the outlet of this layer. It is the undersieve to complete the purpose of screening or impurity removal.

Benefits of Plastic Powder Sieving Machine

1. Improved quality control: can help ensure that plastic powders have the desired size and consistency, which is important for downstream processing steps and the final quality of plastic products.

2. Increased efficiency: Can help improve the efficiency of the production process by reducing the time and effort required to manually screen plastic powder.

3. Cost saving: By automating the screening process, it can help reduce labor costs and improve the overall efficiency of the production process.

4. Reduce waste: By ensuring consistent size and quality of plastic powder, it can help reduce waste and increase the yield of the production process.

5. Hygienic structure: It can be made of materials suitable for use in the food industry and meet hygienic standards to ensure that the plastic powder is not polluted.

Technical Parameters of Plastic Powder Sieving Machine

Model Diameter
Feeding Size
Layers Power
DH-400 400 <10 <1500 1-5 0.18 100
DH-600 600 0.25 200
DH-800 800 0.55 500
DH-1000 1000 0.75 800
DH-1200 1200 1.1 1200
DH-1500 1500 1.5 1800
DH-1800 1800 2.2 2000

Customer Case

Here is an example of a customer case for a plastic powder sieving machine:

Client: Australian Plastics Manufacturing Company

Industry: Plastic Manufacturing

Application: Sieving plastic powder

An Australian plastics manufacturing company was looking for a way to improve the quality and consistency of plastic powder, a key raw material in its production process.

After consulting with the sieving machine manufacturer, the plastic manufacturing company decided to invest in a high quality plastic powder sieving machine. The screening machine is specially designed to meet its specific requirements and has advanced features such as adjustable vibration amplitude and frequency, multiple sieve decks, high screening efficiency and hygienic structure.

The sifter is integrated into the production process of a plastics manufacturing company and is used to screen plastic powders before they are used in downstream processing steps. The plastic powder is fed into a sieving machine, which separates it into different grades based on its particle size and other physical properties.

Thanks to the use of the sieving machine, the Australian plastics manufacturing company was able to improve the quality and consistency of the plastic powder, thereby improving the quality of the final product and increasing customer satisfaction. The use of sieving machines also helps to reduce waste and increase the efficiency of the production process, resulting in cost savings and increased profitability.

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Address:China,Yanjin county forest park gate to the west 1000 meters north road.