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What are the small screw conveyors

Small screw conveyors can be divided into three types: LS type, GX type and U type. Different types are suitable for different scenarios, but no matter what type of small screw conveyor, it is suitable for users with small conveying volume requirements.

Today, I will introduce the situation of the small screw conveyor in detail:

What are the small screw conveyors

1. LS/GX small screw conveyor

LS small screw conveyors have three models: 100, 160, 200, and 250. In the same model, according to the different motor power and speed, the conveying capacity of the screw conveyor will also be different. big. The conveying capacity in the table below is calculated based on the medium abrasiveness of cement, coal, ash and other materials.

The LS small screw conveyor is improved from the GX screw conveyor. It mainly improves the hanging bearing structure of the machine to make the material pass through more smoothly.

Its working environment temperature is usually -20~40℃, and the temperature of conveying material is between -20~80℃. It is suitable for horizontal and small inclination arrangement, and can only be conveyed in one direction. The inclination angle should preferably not exceed 15°. Large, choose GX small screw conveyor, or contact the manufacturer for special design.

There are two types of GX small screw conveyors, 200 and 250. The same type of screw conveyors with different power and different speeds have different conveying capacities. The materials measured in the data in the table below are still cement, ash, coal and other materials.

GX small screw conveyor is a very conventional screw conveying equipment. According to different site needs, it can form a corresponding conveying system for one-way conveying in horizontal, inclined and vertical angles.

LS Model 100 160 200 250
GX Model     200 250
Spiral diameter(mm) 100 160 200 250
Pitch(mm) 100 160 200 250
Rotating speed(r/min) 140 120 90 90
Throughput QΦ=0.33(m3/h) 2.2 7.6 11 22
Power Pd 1=10m(KW) 1.1 1.5 2.2 2.4
Power Pd 1=30m(KW) 1.6 2.8 3.2 5.3
Rotating speed(r/min) 120 90 75 75
Throughput QΦ=0.33(m3/h) 1.9 5.7 18 18
Power Pd 1=10m(KW) 1.0 1.3 2.1 2.1
Power Pd 1=30m(KW) 1.5 2.3 4.5 4.5
Rotating speed(r/min) 90 75 60 60
Throughput QΦ=0.33(m3/h) 1.4 4.8 15 15
Power Pd 1=10m(KW) 0.9 1.2 1.9 1.9
Power Pd 1=30m(KW) 1.2 2.2 3.8 3.8
Rotating speed(r/min) 75 60 45 45
Throughput QΦ=0.33(m3/h) 1.2 3.8 11 11
Power Pd 1=10m(KW) 0.75 1.1 1.6 1.6
Power Pd 1=30m(KW) 1.1 1.8 3.4 3.4

2. U-shaped small screw conveyor

As the name implies, the U-shaped small screw conveyor is a conveyor with a U-shaped outer tube of the conveyor. A bushing is installed inside the curved side to prevent the screw blade from causing wear on the U-shaped groove and play a protective role. The segmented method is adopted. Blue connection, the bushing can be replaced in time.

The U-shaped small screw conveyor is suitable for conveying materials horizontally or at a small inclination angle. When the inclination angle does not exceed 25°, the conveying effect is the best. It can feed and discharge materials at multiple points. It has good sealing and prevents the odor of materials from escaping. Very suitable for use. Generally used to transport sludge, garbage, sediment and other items.

Specification Technical performance Drive Drive Weight (kg)
Diameter Length (m) Output (t/h> Speed (min) Reducer Electric motor
Model Speed ratio Power(kw)
U 200 -10 9 60 ZQ250 23.34 1.1 726
U 200 -20 9 60 ZQ250 23.34 1.5 1258
U 250 -10 15.6 60 ZQ250 23.34 2.2 960
U 250 -20 15.6 60 ZQ250 23.34 3 1750

3. Other

Whether it is a LS/GX small screw conveyor or a U type, the screw shaft, screw blade, and machine material can be selected according to the material.

When the conveyed material is wet and viscous, or easily entangled and easily blocked, choose shaftless conveying;

When it is not easy to stick and requires a certain friction force, choose a shaft screw.

The carbon steel screw conveyor is used to transport common materials;

When the material is corrosive to a certain extent, or when the hygiene requirements are high, the stainless steel screw conveyor is selected.

Saturday April-23 2022  11:27:52

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