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What Are The Types of Screw Conveyor?

Screw conveyors, referred to as auger conveyors, are industrial conveying equipment used to convey a large amount of granular solids (such as powders, grains, granules), semi-solids, liquids and even non-flowing materials from one point to another. It consists of a rotating screw shaft in the groove. As the screw shaft rotates, the material moves linearly, and they can be designed to provide horizontal, vertical and inclined travel paths. This article will explain the model and parameters of the screw conveyor.

What Are The Types of Screw Conveyor?

Let's take a look at the general parameters of the screw conveyor

 According to the different conveying materials, screw conveyors can be divided into shaft auger, shaftless auger and double shaft auger.

1. Shafted screw conveyor: with a central shaft, it is suitable for conveying materials that are not easy to stick and have a certain frictional force. The wear resistance of the screw conveyor has certain requirements.

Shafted screw conveyor

2. Shaftless screw conveyor: In the shaftless auger conveyor, the shaft of the conveying screw and its internal bearings do not exist. This eliminates the problem of material build-up and flow blockage. Therefore, the shaftless screw conveyor is suitable for conveying viscous, sticky and slow materials, such as sludge, garbage, etc. They simplify the delivery of these materials and generally increase delivery efficiency. They are also used to convey products from mixers, centrifuges and filters.

Shaftless screw conveyor

3. Double-shaft screw conveyor: The two seamless steel pipes are respectively equipped with solid screws, and the screw shafts on both sides turn to different directions, which can avoid the phenomenon of material blocking caused by accumulation of materials, and has the functions of conveying, mixing and stirring. The amount is 1.5-2 times that of a single axis.

Double-shaft screw conveyor

According to the different materials to be conveyed, the screw conveyor can be divided into three types: horizontal, inclined and vertical.

1. Horizontal Screw Conveyor: Horizontally arranged for conveying bulk materials from one part of a process to another, by using multiple entry and discharge points, bulk materials can be efficiently distributed to the auger conveyors. various locations.

Horizontal Screw Conveyor

2. Inclined screw conveyor: the inclined angle range is 0 to 45 degrees higher than the horizontal line. As the inclination angle increases, the efficiency and load capacity of the auger conveyor decreases, while the power requirement increases due to the gravitational pull and fall back of the bulk material. The negative effect of tilt is compensated by using a conveying screw with a reduced pitch (e.g., one-half or two-thirds the screw diameter), as it provides a better conveying surface and reduces material fallback, the use of tubular troughs Material fallback is also reduced.

 Inclined screw conveyor

3. Vertical Screw Conveyor: The vertical screw conveyor transports bulk materials on vertical paths and very steep slopes with an inclination angle of 45 degrees higher than the horizontal. They are also space and cost effective in transporting bulk materials. Controlling the amount of bulk material fed into a screw conveyor is critical to maintaining a constant speed in vertical screw conveyors, reducing wear and power consumption, and increasing conveyor efficiency. Therefore, a large number of metering devices, such as screw feeders, are required.

 Inclined screw conveyor

The above introduces you the model parameters of different types of screw conveyors, I hope the comparison will be helpful.

Tuesday May-24 2022  16:27:34

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