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The difference between the motor warehouse wall vibrator and the electromagnetic warehouse wall vibrator

Power source - motor and electromagnetic:

The root of the difference between the motor warehouse vibrator and the electromagnetic warehouse wall vibrator lies in the different power sources. The motor can provide a stronger power source for the warehouse wall vibrator, and at the same time, it will also lead to a relatively large volume of the warehouse wall vibrator;

The power of the electromagnetic warehouse wall vibrator is relatively small, but the electromagnetic power can realize the start and stop of the warehouse wall vibrator at any time, and the volume of the electromagnetic warehouse wall vibrator can also be relatively small.

Machine structure - simple and complex:

The structure of the vibrator on the wall of the motor compartment is simple, it is only composed of a vibrating motor and a base, and the maintenance is convenient and simple;

The structure of the electromagnetic warehouse wall vibrator is relatively complicated, consisting of a vibrating body, a resonant spring, an electromagnet, a machine base, etc., and the maintenance cost is relatively high.

Product Application - Heavy Duty and Light Duty:

The size of the motor silo wall vibrator is relatively large and the power generated by the motor is more sufficient. It can be used for material feeding treatment of large hoppers, silos, and pipelines. It can be used in thermal power generation, hydropower construction, coal, chemical industry, building materials and other heavy industries. Equipment;

Due to its small size and relatively weak vibration force, the electromagnetic bin wall vibrator can be used in light industrial fields such as food and agriculture, and can be used in small feeding equipment with thin bin walls such as vibrating screens and feeders.

Sunday January-29 2023  10:07:21
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