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Small Belt Conveyor Design

Compared with the roller conveyor, the Small Belt Conveyor does not have so many restrictions on the size and flatness of the goods. Because of its smooth operation and no gap between the roller conveyor, it has great advantages in conveying small pieces. Natural advantages, so it is widely used in the delivery of small packages and small items. However, does this mature and reliable product have no pain points in application? This is not always the case. From the point of view of the power source alone, there are some unsatisfactory places:

1. When it uses a traditional motor as a drive, because the motor is externally suspended, it occupies a relatively large space. In some occasions where the space is relatively small, it is facing a lot of trouble;

2. When it uses the AC electric roller as the drive, the space problem is solved, but since most of the AC electric rollers are oil-cooled, if the tension control of the belt is not good, the electric roller will produce In the case of overload, after running for a period of time, the axis of the roller will be deformed, which will affect its oil seal, resulting in oil leakage, which will affect the environment on site. Especially some food hygiene industries are most sensitive to this one; some places that need to be weighed or where people work, need to start and stop frequently, which is also a test for AC electric rollers;

The following are the advantages of the small belt conveyor with this structure:

1. Compared with the traditional motor drive structure, its structure is relatively simple. The elastic belt only needs to be pre-tensioned, and the default is to prevent deviation, and the corresponding structure is omitted;

2. Compared with the structure driven by AC electric roller, it can start and stop frequently, and the range of speed regulation is relatively large, and the oil leakage problem caused by belt tension can also be solved;

3. For very short belt conveyors, the belt deviation problem caused by the small aspect ratio can be well solved;

Wednesday February-15 2023  11:37:51
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