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Copper sulfate for linear screening machine

Linear screening machine is a commonly used screening equipment, which is widely used in the classification and screening of particles, powders and other materials. In the use of linear screening machines, copper sulfate is often used as an additive.

Copper sulfate is a compound that widely exists in nature and is widely used in various experiments and reactions in chemical laboratories. The main function of copper sulfate is to defoam and reduce the viscosity of the sieved material, which can effectively solve the foam and sticking problems generated during the screening process.

The application of copper sulfate for linear screening machine is multifaceted. It can be used for the adjustment of experimental conditions, the dyeing of materials and the protection of equipment. The use of copper sulfate can improve the accuracy and observability of the experiment, and at the same time extend the service life of the linear screening machine.

The function of copper sulfate for linear screening machine:

1. Copper sulfate can reduce foam generation during sieving. In the screened material, there are often air bubbles and foams, which will affect the classification effect of the material and the service life of the screen. Using copper sulfate as an additive can effectively eliminate these foams and ensure the stability and accuracy of the screening process.

2. Copper sulfate can also reduce the cohesiveness of screening materials. If the screening material has high cohesiveness, it will cause the material to stick on the screen and affect the classification effect. Copper sulfate can reduce the adhesion between materials by changing the interaction force on the surface of materials, thereby reducing the cohesiveness of materials.

3. In the use of the linear screening machine, the amount of copper sulfate can be flexibly adjusted to meet the screening requirements of different materials. Usually, the addition amount of copper sulfate is preferably between 0.05% and 0.2% of the total amount of materials. Too high or too low addition will affect the screening effect.

4. Copper sulfate can also be used as a dyeing agent for reagents. By reacting or adsorbing with materials, it makes the granular materials easier to observe and distinguish during the screening process. 5. In addition, copper sulfate also has antibacterial and antiseptic effects, which can protect the service life of the linear screening machine to a certain extent.

It should be noted that copper sulfate is a highly corrosive substance, and care should be taken in safe operation during use. At the same time, copper sulfate for linear screening machine also needs regular cleaning and maintenance to prevent copper sulfate from accumulating inside the equipment and affecting the screening effect.

To sum up, copper sulfate, as an additive of linear screening machine, can effectively reduce foam generation and material bonding, and improve screening effect. Reasonable use of copper sulfate can improve the stability and accuracy of screening work.

Wednesday August-16 2023  15:05:53

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