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Chemical powder ultrasonic vibrating screen

Chemical powder ultrasonic vibrating screen is a kind of screening equipment widely used in chemical industry, its main function is to screen and classify powder materials. Through ultrasonic vibration technology, it can effectively improve the screening efficiency and precision, and at the same time stir and disperse the powder materials, thereby improving production efficiency, reducing energy consumption and improving product quality.

How does the ultrasonic vibrating screen handle different types of chemical powders?

The ultrasonic vibrating screen is designed to handle different types of chemical powders effectively. Here's how it handles various characteristics and challenges associated with different chemical powders:

1.Fine Powders: Fine chemical powders tend to have a higher tendency to adhere to the screen mesh, leading to blinding and reduced screening efficiency. The ultrasonic vibrations applied to the screen mesh help to break the surface tension and prevent particle adhesion, ensuring smooth and efficient screening.

2.Sticky Powders: Some chemical powders have sticky properties, making them difficult to screen. The ultrasonic vibrations assist in reducing the stickiness of the particles, preventing clogging or blockage of the mesh and improving the overall screening performance.

3.Hygroscopic Powders: Hygroscopic chemical powders have a tendency to absorb moisture from the environment, resulting in clumping and difficulties during screening. The ultrasonic vibrating screen can help to break up the clumps and ensure proper dispersion of the particles, enabling effective sieving.

4.Agglomerated Powders: Chemical powders that are prone to agglomeration or forming clusters can be challenging to screen. The ultrasonic vibrations help to disperse the agglomerates, ensuring better separation and accurate particle size distribution.

5.Delicate Powders: Some chemical powders are fragile and prone to breakage during the screening process. The ultrasonic vibrating screen is designed to minimize the impact and stress on delicate particles, reducing the risk of particle breakage and preserving the integrity of the powder.

Additionally, the ultrasonic vibrating screen can be customized with different screen mesh sizes and configurations to accommodate the specific characteristics of different chemical powders. This ensures optimal screening efficiency and accuracy for each type of powder.

Overall, the ultrasonic vibrating screen effectively handles different types of chemical powders by utilizing ultrasonic vibrations to address challenges such as adhesion, stickiness, agglomeration, and fragility. It provides reliable and efficient screening for a wide range of chemical applications.

The ultrasonic sieve at the bottom of the sieve body has a specific aperture size, which can be screened more finely as required. Powder materials are sieved and classified on the ultrasonic sieve, larger particles are blocked in the upper layer, and smaller particles fall through the sieve to the lower layer. In this way, impurities can be removed and the material can reach the required particle size.

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Advantages of chemical powder ultrasonic vibrating screen:

1. It provides accurate and reliable particle size classification, ensuring that only particles within the required range can pass through the grid. This helps maintain product quality and consistency.

2. Ultrasonic vibration helps reduce the adhesion of fine particles to the screen surface, prevent clogging and improve overall screening efficiency. This is especially beneficial for chemical powders that are sticky or difficult to screen.

3. Wide applicability: suitable for screening a variety of chemical powders, such as pigments, dyes, resins, additives, etc. It can adapt to different powder characteristics and processing requirements, and has strong adaptability and flexibility.

4. Easy to clean and maintain, equipped with quick-release clamps or tensioning systems for efficient screen replacement and minimized downtime.

5. Chemical powder ultrasonic vibrating screens are usually equipped with automated control systems to achieve automated operations. Operators can easily control the screening process, adjust parameters and monitor equipment status through the touch screen or control panel, improving operational convenience and accuracy.

Chemical powder ultrasonic vibrating screen can be widely used in the screening and classification of powder materials in the chemical industry, such as in the production of granular materials, the preparation of powder catalysts, the production of powder coatings, etc. It can not only improve production efficiency and reduce energy consumption, but also reduce the mixing of impurities and particles and improve the quality of products.

In short, chemical powder ultrasonic vibrating screen is a very important chemical equipment and has broad application prospects in the chemical industry. It uses ultrasonic vibration technology to screen and classify powder materials, which can improve production efficiency, reduce energy consumption and improve product quality.

Customer case

The following table is an example to provide you with some common chemical powders and corresponding recommended models of ultrasonic vibrating screens:

Name Mesh Size Capacity Model
Pigment powder 40 mesh 1000 kg/h DHC-800
Rubber powder 80 mesh 500 kg/h DHC-400
Resin powder 100 mesh 800 kg/h DHC-600
Additive powder 120 mesh 300 kg/h DHC-400
Graphite powder 200 mesh 500 kg/h DHC-400
Aluminum powder 200 mesh 2000 kg/h DHC-1200


Monday September-11 2023  12:14:09
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