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Electromagnetic Sieve Shaker in Pharma

Here is a hypothetical customer case for an electromagnetic sieve shaker:

Customer: Pharmaceuticals

Background: Pharmaceuticals is a large pharmaceutical manufacturing company that produces a variety of drugs, including tablets and capsules. They are looking for an electromagnetic sieve shaker to test the particle size distribution of their active ingredients and excipients.


The challenge for Pharmaceuticals is to find an electromagnetic sieve shaker that is capable of accurately and efficiently testing their pharmaceutical samples. They need a sieve shaker that can provide consistent results, even when testing large quantities of samples.


After researching various options, Pharmaceuticals decides to purchase an electromagnetic sieve shaker from a reputable manufacturer. The sieve shaker is designed to meet their specific requirements, with a capacity of 8 sieves and a maximum sample weight of 2 kg.

The electromagnetic sieve shaker uses a powerful electromagnetic drive to generate a controlled vibration that ensures accurate and efficient sieving of the pharmaceutical samples. The shaker is also equipped with a digital timer and amplitude controller that allows for precise control over the sieving process.

The sieve shaker is installed and tested by the manufacturer's team, and Pharmaceuticals is satisfied with its performance. The sieve shaker provides consistent and accurate results, even when testing large quantities of pharmaceutical samples. The drug production process proceeds on schedule, and Pharmaceuticals is able to produce high-quality drugs thanks, in part, to the reliable and efficient electromagnetic sieve shaker.

Friday June-21 2024  14:02:13
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