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Vibro Sifter for Gypsum Powder

From the perspective of the preparation process of gypsum powder, its preparation has to go through the crushing link→pre-grinding link→calcining link→storage conveying link. In this series of processes, there is also an important screening and processing link. Because the application fields of gypsum powder are different, the requirements for the particle size of the gypsum powder are quite different. For example: most of the gypsum powder used for putty powder has a mesh number of 350-400 meshes, while the gypsum powder mesh used for plaster models is within 160 meshes, 100-120 meshes are common, and gypsum powder used for general construction also has about 70 meshes. of. Therefore, the gypsum powder manufacturer needs to store and sell the gypsum powder separately according to the mesh number to meet the needs of different customers. This must use the gypsum powder vibro sifter to accurately classify the finished products according to the mesh number.

Vibro Sifter for Gypsum Powder

1. From the perspective of fineness requirements, the fineness requirements of gypsum powder can reach up to 350-400 mesh, which is a fine powder, so the model of vibro sifter for gypsum powder should be made from circular vibro sifter, tumbler screen, and ultrasonic vibrating screen Choose, these three are all fine sieving equipment that is good at powder sieving.

2. From the perspective of the number of grading layers, for gypsum powder screening manufacturers, there are many gypsum powder application industries and the number of meshes is different. Therefore, vibro sifter for gypsum powder is required to undertake non-single-layer impurity removal and filtration tasks, but more The level of granularity classification work. vibro sifter for gypsum powder The specific number of layers is not uniform according to the manufacturer's specific main types of gypsum powder. The customers that our company has worked with have custom-made 3 layers and custom-made 4 layers. It cannot be generalized, but the gypsum powder vibrating screen should always have a multi-stage screening function. In this regard, the circular vibro sifter and tumbler screen have stronger classification capabilities. The ultrasonic vibrating screen can also be classified and screened, but each layer needs to be separated. Equipped with a set of ultrasonic transducer, the overall cost is too high.

3. From the perspective of screening efficiency, gypsum powder has a wide range of applications and most of it is supplied in large quantities on the production line. This also places high requirements on the preparation and screening efficiency of gypsum powder. Alternative models of circular vibro sifter and In comparison with the tumbler screen, the tumbler screen is far superior to the circular vibro sifter in terms of screening efficiency, so it is more suitable as a gypsum powder vibro sifter to meet the high-efficiency, multi-granularity, and high-precision screening of gypsum powder.

If you have questions about material screening and grading, please feel free to contact us.

Thursday May-16 2024  11:10:59
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