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How to choose the auger feeder model?

Auger feeder is also called screw feeder. It is different from ordinary screw conveyor in that it is generally a continuous metering and distribution device, and it generally transports powdered materials.

How to choose the auger feeder model?

Auger feeder is divided into GX tube type and LS trough type (U type), and LS type is an upgraded version of GX type.

1. GX type auger feeder

Common models of GX type auger feeder are GX150, GX250, GX400, GX600.

2. LS type auger feeder

Common models of LS type auger feeder can be divided into small, medium and large. Common small models are LS100, LS200; common medium models are LS400, LS500; common large models are LS1000, LS1250.

It is necessary to choose according to the properties of the material to be transported. ‌This includes the particle size, density, viscosity, humidity, corrosiveness, etc. of the material. ‌For example, for bulk materials such as granules, powders, etc., the particle size and fluidity should be considered when selecting a screw feeder. ‌For materials with large particles and poor fluidity, a large diameter, low pitch screw feeder can be selected; while for materials with fine particles and good fluidity, a small diameter, high pitch screw feeder can be selected. ‌For sticky materials, it is necessary to select a screw feeder that can be preheated, heated or cooled; for corrosive materials, corrosion-resistant screw feeder materials should be selected. ‌

The larger the conveying volume, the larger the screw feeder model required. ‌Choose the appropriate model according to the output to avoid blindly pursuing high production or selecting too small a model and causing selection errors, thereby avoiding unnecessary waste. ‌

Including factors such as space size, conveying distance, and height will affect the selection of screw feeders. ‌For example, for a large conveying volume, a large diameter model needs to be selected; for a long conveying distance, a higher screw feeder needs to be selected to ensure the stability and reliability of material conveying. ‌

The transmission mechanism of the screw feeder usually adopts a combination of motor and reducer. ‌It is necessary to select the appropriate power and speed according to actual needs to ensure the achievement of production efficiency and economic benefits. ‌At the same time, it is also necessary to consider the cost of equipment maintenance and maintenance, and select a screw feeder that is easy to maintain1. ‌

Note: The number after the model letter is actually the screw diameter. The larger the screw diameter and the longer the length, the greater the conveying volume, but the lower the speed; among them, the conveying volume of the GX screw feeder is 139m³/h, and the conveying volume of the LS screw feeder is 458m³/h; the length of the two screw feeders generally does not exceed 7 meters.

Friday August-02 2024  16:56:29
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