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Screw conveyor for cement mixing plants

What kind of screw conveyor is used in the cement mixing station? This problem may be confused by many users, so Dahan screw conveyor manufacturer will solve the problem for you today.We  recommended cement mixing plants to use LS type screw conveyor.

The reasons are as follows:

First, the transport properties of cement

Compared with granular materials, some dust will appear in the conveyance. Cement is very harmful to people,  so it must be sealed during the conveying.

LS type cement screw conveyor is sealed with the whole casing, which can completely avoid the dust phenomenon of cement, not only reduce the environmental pollution, but also relieve the work for the staff. 

Second, wet and dry cement can be used

Some of the cement at the mixing station is diluted, and some are dry cement. If the LS type cement screw conveyor is selected, it can also meet the demand, because the LS type cement screw conveyor also has these two forms.

Third, shaft-shaped and is designed for dry cement, powder, sand, and other powder materials.

The second type is shaftless. It is an anti-winding screw conveyor that can transport some materials with certain viscosity such as sludge, cement and household garbage.

Please contact us for more information on the screw conveyor »

Wednesday August-14 2019  09:22:11
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