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How to prevent vibrating screen resonance?

The resonance of the vibrating screen means that when the vibrating screen vibrates at the same frequency as its natural frequency, the vibration amplitude of the vibrating screen component increases, thereby exceeding the vibration frequency of the vibrating screen. The most obvious feature of the resonance phenomenon of the vibrating screen is that the vibration screen becomes louder, and the start-up or downtime is prolonged. At the same time, the vibration of the vibrating screen will also damage the corresponding accessories, greatly reducing the service life of the vibrating screen. So how do you prevent the vibrating screen from resonating? Next, I will introduce you to:

Design the vibrating screen vibration frequency

By understanding the resonance principle of the vibrating screen, we know that as long as the natural frequency of the vibrating screen is prevented from being the same as the frequency at the time of operation, the resonance phenomenon of the vibrating screen can be reduced. Therefore, we can adjust the working frequency of the vibrating screen through the setting and model design of the vibrating motor, and set the natural frequency and working frequency of the vibrating screen to different parameters to avoid the occurrence of resonance.

Replace the composite spring to increase the damping

It has been proved by experiments that the existence of large damping can limit the time of passing through the resonance zone when the vibrating screen stops, reduce the amplitude of the vibrating screen and effectively avoid the resonance phenomenon of the vibrating screen. Therefore, the vibration-damping spring of the vibrating screen should be replaced with a compound spring with large damping.

Change the frequency of the shaker shutdown

In view of the vibration frequency and quality of the vibrating screen, it is recommended that the vibrating screen manufacturer reduce the vibrating screen resonance phenomenon by improving the vibrating screen quality.

Increase the secondary brake device

Because the vibrating screen is stopped at a constant speed, it is inevitable that the vibration frequency of the vibrating screen will be the same as the natural frequency in a certain period of time, which will cause the vibrating screen resonance phenomenon to occur. Therefore, the braking device should be added to the vibrating screen to miss the vibration frequency when the vibrating screen is stopped. The natural vibration frequency of the vibrating screen is sufficient.

The motor is connected to the earth or installed in the chassis

The motor is mounted on the foundation connected to the ground or mounted on the chassis to increase the natural frequency of the vibrating screen, thereby increasing the difference between the vibrating screen vibration frequency and the natural frequency to prevent the vibrating screen from resonating.

Pay attention to the screening machine cleaning and overload

When working in the vibrating screen, it should be noted that the material on the screen machine should not be overloaded. Usually, the inside of the machine should be cleaned frequently to prevent the excessive accumulation of residual materials from affecting the vibration frequency of the vibrating screen, and the vibrating screen resonance phenomenon occurs.


The above is all about how to prevent the vibration screen resonance method. If you want to know more about the daily maintenance of the vibrating screen, please consult Dahan online customer service, we will be happy to answer your questions!

Tuesday September-03 2019  15:49:46
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