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How much is the gypsum powder screw conveyor?

The price of gypsum powder screw conveyor is 1000~4900 dollars.

Note: Because gypsum powder is a powdery material, according to its nature, Dahan recommends that you use a tubular screw conveyor to sieve the gypsum powder. It is generally used for conveying continuous conveying of powdery, small-grained and small-sized bulk materials. In a closed pipe, the chain-driven member drives the gypsum powder along the pipe. When transported horizontally, the gypsum powder is subjected to the thrust of the chain in the direction of motion.

The material selection affects the price:

Model Diameter
Rotating speed
Rotating speed
Rotating speed
Rotating speed
Price (USD/unit)
Small 100 100 100 140 2.2 112 1.7 90 1.4 71 1.1 400-992
125 125 125 125 3.8 100 3 80 2.4 63 1.9
160 160 160 112 7.1 90 5.7 71 4.5 56 3.6
200 200 200 100 12.4 80 9.9 63 7.8 50 6.2
Small 250 250 250 90 21.8 71 17.2 56 13.6 45 10.9 900-2670
315 315 315 80 38.8 63 30.5 50 24.2 40 13.4
400 400 355 71 62.5 56 49.3 45 38.6 36 31.7
Large 500 500 400 63 97.7 50 77.6 40 62 32 49.6 2220-5183
630 630 450 50 138.5 40 110.8 32 88.6 25 69.3
800 800 500 40 198.5 32 158.8 25 124.1 20 99.3

The material of the tubular screw conveyor used for gypsum powder transportation is divided into carbon steel and stainless steel. Stainless steel is a kind of material with high temperature resistance and anti-corrosion performance. It is also widely used and the manufacturing process requirements are relatively high. Therefore, the price of the product is relatively high. It is often used in corrosive, high temperature materials and is more suitable for harsh production environments.

The model selection affects the price:

The model of gypsum powder tube screw conveyor is calculated according to the pipe diameter and length. The price of pipe diameter and length is different. The conveying distance of pipe screw conveyor can be up to 60 meters. Under the same model, the price increases by 200-600 yuan for each additional 1 meter in length.

Manufacturers affect the price:

Dahan Machinery has invested a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources in the production of gypsum powder screw conveyor! Therefore, the price is higher than that of other manufacturers' equipment, but Dahan is also a direct-selling manufacturer, which saves a lot of time-consuming and laborious intermediate links, so Dahan will give you the lowest price while guaranteeing the quality!

The above is the news about the price of gypsum powder screw conveyor brought by dahan, the price is closely related to the material, model and manufacturer's choice! 

If you still have questions, please call the Dahan Customer Service Department and we will provide you with professional and accurate answers.

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