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5 ways to solve the noise of linear vibrating screen

Linear vibration screening is a kind of vibrating screen equipment widely used by users. In the process of using linear vibrating screen, users will encounter various problems. Today, I 'm analyzing the problem of noise when working in linear vibrating screen. 

1. Straight vibrating screen bolt loose

The linear vibrating screen adopts two sets of motors. During the working process, due to the strong vibration force, the bolts appear loose, which causes friction between the components of the linear vibrating screen, and the sound is loud.

Solution: Before starting, we should first check whether the bolts of various parts of the linear vibrating screen are tight, and regularly check the bolts of the linear vibrating screen for reinforcement.

2. Linear vibrating screen damping spring loose

The function of the linear vibrating screen damping spring is to buffer the vibration and reduce the working noise. Therefore, when the linear vibrating screen damping spring appears loose, the spring will generate friction with the base under the action of the vibration force, so that the linear vibrating screen sound increases.

Solution: Regularly replace the linear vibrating screen damping spring, you can choose a more rigid steel spring, and also regularly check the tightness of the screw. If problems are found, they should be solved in time.

3. Linear vibrating screen bearings are not accurate or damaged

The bearing of the linear vibrating screen is an important part that transmits the kinetic energy of the motor to the screen surface. Through the conversion of the bearing, the screen surface can be made to move in different forms, so as to achieve the screening and removing work. If the precision of the linear vibrating screen bearing is not high, It will increase the friction between the bearing and the motor. The damage of the bearing will be more obvious and the sound will be louder.

Solution: Check the condition of the linear screen bearing in time, and replace the new bearing if necessary.

4. Straight vibrating screen sieve plate selection error

The linear vibrating screen sieve plate has a variety of materials, mainly steel sieve plates, polyurethane sieve plates, etc. If the sieve plate selection is unreasonable, friction will occur, resulting in excessive noise of the linear vibrating screen.

Solution: Select the appropriate sieve plate according to the actual situation.

5.The screen body of the linear vibrating screen breaks

When the output demanded by the user is too large, the linear vibrating screen exceeds its own load. Under long-term use, the screen body breakage will occur, and the linear vibrating screen will have excessive noise.

Solution: Specify the load within the tolerance of the linear vibrating screen.


The above are several situations in which the linear vibrating screen has a large sound and the corresponding solutions. I hope that I can help you. 

Thursday September-19 2019  13:00:00

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