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3 factors affecting the screening effect of the vibro sifter

If the effect of the vibro sifter is not good, it is necessary to comprehensively consider various factors. Next, we will introduce you in a unified way:

1. Screening material - shape / water content of the material

In the actual production, the screening raw materials are mostly cylindrical materials or irregular particles. Although the vibro  sifter can have the effect of clearing the mesh, it can solve the problem of blocking the net well, but it belongs to some irregular shapes and water content. Large, there will still be a phenomenon of blocking the mesh during the screening process, which will affect the screening efficiency.

Solution: 1) When the humidity of the material is large, it is generally possible to use a method of increasing the mesh size or by wet screening. 

2)The material has a large water content (when the water content is greater than 8%), it should be wet sieved or pre-cleaned. 

3)If the first two methods are not feasible, you can choose to add an ultrasonic transducer on the basic of vibro sifter, that is, select the ultrasonic sieving machine for screening.

2. Screen mesh size - screen area, inclination and mesh shape

The larger the effective area of the sieve surface, the larger the area occupied by the sieve holes, the easier the material passes through the sieve holes, and the higher the screening efficiency.

The installation angle of the vibro sifter  is too small, which will cause the material to accumulate on the screen surface and is not conducive to screening. Improper selection of screen openings can also result in inefficient screening of the vibrating screen.

Solution: The installation angle of the vibro sifter should be adjusted at any time according to the quality requirements of the screening products. The shape of the vibro sifter mesh is determined by the material size and the requirements for the use of the product under the screen. Generally, for cylindrical particles, the rectangular mesh has better pass performance,and for irregular particles with small difference in size in each direction, the pass performance of the circular hole is better.

3. Improper manual operation: uneven feeding - ensure that the screen surface works normally

The vibro sifter should be uniformly and continuously fed, and the material is filled into a suitable thick layer along the entire width of the screen surface, which not only makes full use of the screen surface, but also facilitates the passage of fine particles through the sieve hole, thereby ensuring high productivity and screening  efficiency.


The above is the relevant introduction to the factors affecting the screening efficiency of the vibro sifter. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and we will provide you with professional answers.

Friday September-06 2019  15:31:51

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